Bill, Max
Fünfteiliger Ring
- Published: Bern
- Published date: 1970
- Type: artwork
- Issue date: 1970
- Technique: Serigraphie
- Size: 70 x 50 cm (27.5 x 19,75 inches).
- Stock number: 36298
- Condition: in excellent condition.
Article description
Original Seregraphy. Signed in pencil and numbered 42 / 100 copies. Sheet from the portfolio "Kunst für Forschung", published in Bern in 1970. Max Bill was a hugely influential founder of the Concrete Art movement, not only through his variegated career as a sculptor, painter, and industrial and graphic designer, but also as a prolific writer, scholar, and teacher. Bill had early ambitions to be a silversmith, but quickly changed his focus to architecture after seeing the work of Le Corbusier. Bill enrolled in the Bauhaus Dessau, where he studied under Josef Albers, Wassily Kandinsky, and Paul Klee. During this time, he began to formulate the principles of Concrete Art by expanding the theories of Theo van Doesburg, guided strongly by his training. Bill would also become an influential figure in furthering traditions of the Bauhaus, as well as in environmental art.