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Products from Münster, Sebastian

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Antique Statt Marpurg. Statt Marpurg.
Woodcut, uncolored as published.
Antique Antique map Sarmatia Sebastian Munster Von den Ländern Asie. - Von dem Landt Armenia / dem grössern.
Woodcut published 1628 in the Cosmographia by Sebastian Münster. Early woodcut map published in the 1628 edition of Sebastian Münster's...
Antique Rom. Rom.
Woodcut, uncolored as published.
Antique [Italian gods Saturnius] [Italian gods Saturnius]
Woodcut, uncolored as published.
Antique Von den Thriumphbögen, und etlichen andern Antiquiteten. Von den Thriumphbögen, und etlichen andern Antiquiteten.
Woodcut, uncolored as published.
Antique Sarmatia Asie. Sarmatia Asie.
Woodcut map published 1578 in the "Cosmographia" by Sebastian Münster, printed on the full text sheet. German text edition.
Antique Behemer Königreich mit Bergen und Wäldern, gerings umb beschlossen. Behemer Königreich mit Bergen und Wäldern, gerings umb beschlossen.
Woodcut map, uncolored as published.
Antique Von der Statt und dem Königreich Pego. Von der Statt und dem Königreich Pego.
Woodcut, hand colored in wash. Decorative hand colored woodcut map with a view of the town of Pego, published in a German text edition of the...
Antique Von den Ländern Asie. Von den Ländern Asie.
Woodcut, hand colored in wash. Decorative hand colored woodcut map of the , published in a German text edition of the 'Cosmographia' by Sebastian...
Antique Von den Ländern Asie. - Von den Vöglen und Thieren zu Calituth. Von den Ländern Asie. - Von den Vöglen und Thieren zu Calituth.
Woodcut, hand colored in wash. Decorative hand colored woodcut map shows a sciene of animals, published in a German text edition of the...
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