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Mannert, Conrad

Carte von Süd America nach anstronomischen Beobachtungen, den besten vorhandenen Charten, und den Berichten der...

Antique Carte von Süd America nach anstronomischen Beobachtungen, den besten vorhandenen Charten, und den Berichten der Missionarien ausgefertigt von Conrad Mannert. Nürnberg in der Kayserl. privil. Kunsthandlung Adam Gottlieb Schneider u. Weigels 1803.

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

  • Nürnberg
  • 1803
  • Copper engraving / Original color.
  • South America
  • 1803
  • map
  • 643 by 494mm (25¼ by 19½ inches).
  • 28457
  • A backed tear. Else in excellent condition.

Article description

Article description

Copper engraving, handcolored in outline and wash when published.

Konrad Mannert (* 17. April 1756 in Altdorf bei Nürnberg; † 27. September 1834 in München) war ein deutscher Historiker und Geograph.

Konrad Mannert was the son of the barber and surgeon Johann Heinrich Mannert. As a child he attended the Altdorf city school and then the St. Sebald school in Nuremberg. In 1778 he began studying at the University of Altdorf. In 1783 he became a master. From 1784 he worked as a teacher at the Sebalder School, and from 1786 as a teacher and librarian at the Egidiengymnasium in Nuremberg. In March 1797 he received the position of full professor of history and oriental languages at Altdorf University. In 1803 the Homann map office in Nuremberg gave him scientific management. He published numerous maps with this publishing house. However, the arrangement seems to have expired around 1807. In 1805 he went to the University of Würzburg as a professor. In 1807 he moved to the new Bavarian Central University in Landshut as a professor of history and geography, and then moved the university to Munich in 1826. In 1827 he became a full member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and retired in 1828.

Mannert was married to Ursula Jacobina Nagel, a daughter of the theologian Johann Andreas Michael Nagel.

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