Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK
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Antique Sebastopol Sebastopol
Guesdon, Alfred, 1840
Original antique lithograph, original color as published. Bird's eye view of the city of Sebstopol on the Crimean...
Antique Siege of Sevastopol from the new 32 Pounder battery above the left attack picquet house. Siege of Sevastopol from the new 32 Pounder battery above the left attack picquet house.
Paul & Dominic Colnaghi, 1854
Original antique lithograph, original color in outline and wash.
Antique Town and Harbour of Balaklava. Town and Harbour of Balaklava.
Laeut. Montague o Reilly, 1854
Original antique lithograph, original color in outline and wash.
Antique Tartaria D Europa ouero Piccola Tartaria divisa da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola ne Tartari Nogai e del Crim, o di Precop Soggetti al proprio Kam ne Tartari di Budziack, d Oczackow, e di Dobruss, Soggetti al Turco. ne Tartari Circassi, e di Mordua soggetti al Gran Duca di Moscovia e nelle Due Uckraine una abitata da Cosacchi Tanaiti Soggetti al Moscovita, l altra da Cosacchi di Zaporowa, ora liberi, e già dipendenti dalla Polania Data in Luce da Gio. Giac. de Rossi dalle sue Stampe in Roma alla Pa Tartaria D Europa ouero Piccola Tartaria divisa da Giacomo Cantelli da Vignola ne Tartari Nogai e del Crim, o di...
Cantelli, Giacomo da Vignola, 1684
Copper engraving, uncolored as published. This highly interesting map shows the Black Sea, the Ukraine with White...
Antique Tabula Asiae II. Tabula Asiae II.
Münster, Sebastian, 1552
Woodcut map, finely hand colored in wash by a later hand. Verso illustrated with a decorative colored woodcut...
Antique Antique map Sarmatia Sebastian Munster Von den Ländern Asie. - Von dem Landt Armenia / dem grössern.
Münster, Sebastian, 1628
Woodcut published 1628 in the Cosmographia by Sebastian Münster. Early woodcut map published in the 1628 edition of...
Antique Die Moscau - Moscovie Die Moscau - Moscovie
Mallet, Allain Manesson, 1719
Copper engraving, uncolored, published in Allain Manesson Mallet s description of the world. This antique map shows...
Antique Europaeisches Russland Europaeisches Russland
Meyer, Joseph, 1868
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published.
Antique Moscovie Moscovie
Mallet, Allain Manesson, 1683
Copper engraving, hand colored in wash and outline, published in Allain Manesson Mallet s description of the world.
Antique Moscovie Moscovie
Mallet, Allain Manesson, 1683
Copper engraving, hand colored in wash and outline, published in Allain Manesson Mallet s description of the world.
Antique Russia in Europe Part VII - Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Russia in Europe Part VII - Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.
S. D. U. K., 1835
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline when published.
Antique Tabula Asiae II (Sarmatia Asiatica) Tabula Asiae II (Sarmatia Asiatica)
Ptolemaeus, Claudius, 1621
Fine copper-engraved map, printed into the full text page, published in Geografia ... Universale de la Terra , which...
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