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Silvestre, Israel

(Vues de Paris / vues de Italie)


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  • Paris
  • 1645
  • Book
  • Book
  • 1645
  • 20 x 43 cm (7.75 x 17 inches).
  • 35465
  • Signs of age, cover with leather spine,

Article description

Article description

Original antique book without title page, leather binding with floral embossing. 59 etchings. "Campo Vaccine, Veduta del Colises, Ponte S. Maria, del Campidoglio, S. Agnesa, Campo Vaccina, Arco di Costantino et Coliseo, Interno Roma, S. Marco di Venezia, Dogana di Venzia, Colona Trojana, S. Ange Rome, Piazza della Rotonda, Colonne Antoniane, Palais de la Vigne du Cardinal Pie, Place Nauonne a Rome, Piaza di Mentecauallo, Piazza della Madono delle Popolo, S. Marco, Nostre Dame de Lorette, Nostre Dame de Portiuncule, S. Dominicque de Sienne, Palais du Pape, Campo Vacina, Rue du Cours, bocca della venta, Terme Diocletiane, Pont de Realte de Venize, Port de Venize, Chvette de la Trinite, Piazza di St. Marco, Piazza di St. Marco di Venezia vista verso il porto, Medisima grand Piazza di St. Marco, Gallerie Dauphine du Palais a Paris, Louvre du coste des Tuilleries, Pont Marie, Porte S. Bernard, Chasteau de Corbeil, Maison Seine, S. George de Venize, S. Iean et Paule de Venize, S. Victor de Marseille, Veue du Rocher de Gayette, La Maijorre de Marseille, Le Fanal de Genne, Alcune Vedute und Antica alla Vigna d Este a Tiuoli, Pallazzo di Monte Cauallo und Palazzl della Vigna di Mont alto, Pallazo di Barberini und Fontana alla Vigna d Este, Veduta della Vigna d Este und de la Vigna di Ludouici, Grotte del Giardino di Monte Dragone und Veduta de la Vigna de Medici, Fontana alla Vigna Aldobranini a Frascati und Fontana de Dragoni a Tiuoli, Profil de la Ville de S. Denis, Profil de la Ville de Poissy, Veue au naturel de la Cité d Alize, Aqueducs ou le Peuple Romain, Veue au naturel de la Saincte Baume en Prouence, de la Montagne, Loreto", Israel Silvestre (13 August 1621 in Nancy – 11 October 1691 in Paris), called the Younger to distinguish him from his father, was a prolific French draftsman, etcher and print dealer who specialized in topographical views and perspectives of famous buildings. Orphaned at an early age, he was taken in by his uncle in Paris, Israel Henriet, an etcher and print-seller, and friend of Jacques Callot. Between 1630 and 1650 Silvestre travelled widely in France, Spain and Italy, which he visited three times, and later worked up his sketches as etchings, which were sold singly and in series. His work, especially of Venetian subjects published in the 1660s, influenced eighteenth-century painters of vedute such as Luca Carlevaris and Canaletto, who adapted his compositions. In 1661 he inherited the stock of plates of his uncle, the printseller Israel Henriet, among which was a large part of the works of Callot, and many of those of Stefano della Bella. In 1662 he was appointed dessinateur et graveur du Roi and in 1673 he was appointed drawing-master to Louis, le Grand Dauphin. From 1668 he was granted workshop space in the galleries of the Louvre, where the practice of housing eminent artists and craftsmen was a tradition that was originated under Henri IV. Silvestre's atelier was large: he had at least two pupils who had separate careers as engravers, François Noblesse and Meunier. In 1670 Charles Le Brun[2] recommended him for membership in the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture. In 1675 his son, the artist Louis de Silvestre, was born at Sceaux. At his death he left a large collection of drawings, more than a thousand engravings, and other works of art to his sons, whose own artistic tastes he had nurtured. The family collection was sold at auction in 1810. (Wikipedia)

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