Gmelin, Johann Friedrich
Des Ritters Carl von Linne... vollständiges Natursystem des Mineralreichs nach der zwölften lateinischen Ausgabe......
- Published: Nürnberg
- Published date: 1778
- Type: Book
- Technique: Book
- Issue date: 1777-78
- Size: 19.5 x 12 cm (7.75 x 4,75 inches).
- Stock number: 31281
- Condition: In excellent condition.
Article description
3 vol. (4) 8vo (195 x 120mm). 2 leaves, 652 pp., with 5 engraved folded plates; 8 leaves, 496 pp., 4 leaves, with 9 folded plates; 9 leaves, 486 pp. 2 leaves, with 13 folded plates. Johann Friedrich Gmelin (8 August 1748 – 1 November 1804) was a German naturalist, botanist, entomologist, herpetologist, and malacologist. Gmelin was born as the eldest son of Philipp Friedrich Gmelin in 1748 in Tübingen. He studied medicine under his father at University of Tübingen and graduated with an MD in 1768, with a thesis entitled: Irritabilitatem vegetabilium, in singulis plantarum partibus exploratam ulterioribusque experimentis confirmatam, defended under the presidency of Ferdinand Christoph Oetinger, whom he thanks with the words Patrono et praeceptore in aeternum pie devenerando, pro summis in medicina obtinendis honoribus. In 1769, Gmelin became an adjunct professor of medicine at University of Tübingen. In 1773, he became professor of philosophy and adjunct professor of medicine at University of Göttingen. He was promoted to full professor of medicine and professor of chemistry, botany, and mineralogy in 1778. He died in 1804 in Göttingen. Johann Friedrich Gmelin when young became an "apostle" of Carl Linnaeus, probably when Linnaeus was working in the Netherlands, and undertook a plant-collecting expedition to "Persia" on his behalf. Later in life he published several textbooks in the fields of chemistry, pharmaceutical science, mineralogy, and botany. He also edited and published the 13th edition of Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus from 1788 to 1793. This contained descriptions and scientific names of many new species, including birds that had earlier been catalogued without a scientific name by John Latham in his A General Synopsis of Birds. Gmelin's publication is cited as the authority for over 290 bird species and also a number of butterfly species.