Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK
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Petermann, A.

Karte des San Juan-od. Haro-Archipels. Mit der neuen Grenze nach der schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidung des Deutschen...

Antique Karte des San Juan-od. Haro-Archipels. Mit der neuen Grenze nach der schiedsrichterlichen Entscheidung des Deutschen Kaisers am 21. Oktober 1872. Von A. Petermann.

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Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

  • Justus Perthes. , Gotha
  • 1873
  • Antique Map, map
  • Lithograph / Original color.
  • 1873
  • Haro Strait - Vancouver Island
  • 253 by 191mm (10 by 7½ inches).
  • 26561
  • In excellent condition. The map was originally published folded, so that the old folds are still slightly visible. 253 by 191mm (10 by 7½ inches).

Article description

Article description

Lithograph, original color as published. Detailed map of the San-Juan or Haro-Archipel. The de Haro-Strait divides San-Juan Island from Vancouver Island. Nice and detailed interesting antique map for the collector of the Northwest.

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