Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK
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Reilly, Franz Johann Josef von

Des Koenigreichs Ungarn östsüdlicher Theil. Nro. 33.

Antique Des Koenigreichs Ungarn östsüdlicher Theil. Nro. 33.

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

On stock,
Delivery time appr. 1-3 workdays

  • Reilly , Vienna
  • 1789
  • Copper engraving / Original color.
  • Antique Map, map
  • Hungary
  • 1789
  • 209 by 292mm (8¼ by 11½ inches).
  • 21062
  • In excellent condition. 209 by 292mm (8¼ by 11½ inches).

Article description

Article description

Original copper engraving, hand colored in wash and outline, when published. Detailed map eastern southern part of Hungary with the neighboring Bannat in the south and the neighboring Siebenbürgen in the east. The map shows many place names Giula, BorosIeno, Arad, Wardein, Zegedin and others. A detailed map of this region in the Southeast of Hungary. Mountains, rivers, lakes, woods, small villages, streets, etc. are engraved. The Austrian cartographer Franz Joh. Josef von Reilly published around 1789 in Vienna a large amount of very detailed district maps of Central Europe. These maps are famous for their large scales and the many details they provide. Even tiny place names can be found on those maps, rivers, mountains, streets, monasteries are as well engraved. The maps, which Franz J. Reilly engraved, were especially designed for the Austrian Royal house and show countries, provinces and districts belonging to the 'Austrian-Hungarian Empire'.

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