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Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. Highly decorative panoramic city view of Granada...
Rozes, Ville de Catalogne par l'Armée du Roy Louis le Grand sur les Espagnols.
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Very rare panoramic view of the city Rozes.
Insulae Balearides et Pytiusae.
Original antique copper engraving, decorative hand colored in outline when published. One of the most decorative maps...
Hispaniae Veteris Descriptio. - Amstelodami
Original antique copper engraving, decorative hand colored in outline. Published in a Latin text edition of J....
Gades oder Cales Males durch die Englischen und Hollenaer
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. German text edition. Interesting battle plan of the Cadiz area and...
Originalkarte der Canarischen Inseln Gomera, Hierro, Canaria. Nach den Messungen von K. v. Fritsch den Englischen...
Lithograph, original hand color in outline.
Das im vorig- und jetzigem Jahr von Spanisch- und Französischen Generalen gewaltig bestürmte und durch den Landgrafen...
Original antique copper engraving, unkolored. Decorative birds-eye view shows the harbor with many sailing ships and...
Karte von Spanien...
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored. The Map shows Spain in total with Portugal and the Balearic island...
Spanien und Portugal
Original antique copper engraving, original color. Detailed map of Spain and Portugal, each province outlined in...
Das neue Spanien. CXIII.
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Map of Spain, with lots of place names. The french border in the upper...
Das neue Spanien. CXIII.
Original copper engraving, uncolored. Original copper engraving. Map of Spain, with lots of place names. The french...
Granata - Granada
Original antique old colored copper engraving, published in the townbook "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" by Georg Braun...
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