Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK
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Antique Dortmund Dortmund
Jansonnius, Joan., 1657
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. The plate was first published in the...
Antique Soest Soest
Jansonnius, Joan., 1657
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. The plate was first published in...
Antique Ober Wesel - Boppart Ober Wesel - Boppart
Jansonnius, Joan., 1657
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. Published in a Latin text edition of Joan....
Antique Frankfurt Frankfurt
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving in full contemporary hand color in wash and outline when published. Die Karte zeigt...
Antique Oberpfalz Nordgau Oberpfalz Nordgau
Homann, J.B. (Homann Heirs), 1733
Original antique copper engraving in full contemporary hand color in wash and outline when published. In the right...
Antique Erster und gröster Theil des gantzen Hochlobl. Franckischen Craisses in welchem die Bisthumer Bamberg Würtzburg und Aichstett die Marg gr. Culmbach und Onoltzbach das Hertzogt. Coburg Fürstent. Schwartzenberg Graffsch. Hohenlo Castell Limburg und Seinsheim das Nurnberischee Gebiet und die Haltite der angrenzenden ObernPfaltz mit vorgestelt werden. Erster und gröster Theil des gantzen Hochlobl. Franckischen Craisses in welchem die Bisthumer Bamberg Würtzburg und...
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving in full contemporary hand color in wash and outline when published. Dargestellt...
Antique Imp. Caes. Carolo VI. Augusto Pio Victori Gentis suae Sideri Felicissimo Chorographiam Hanc Exhibentem Imp. Caes. Carolo VI. Augusto Pio Victori Gentis suae Sideri Felicissimo Chorographiam Hanc Exhibentem
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1718
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Schöne handkolorierte Karte mit...
Antique Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibit, a D.G. de L'Islio Editus Primum, Nunc Emendatior & Auctior Reddit, per Homann. Hered. Cum Priv. S.C.M. in qua sistitur maxima pars Alsatiae, Brisgoviae una cum alijs Sueviae Tractibus consinibus. Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibit, a D.G. de L'Islio Editus Primum, Nunc Emendatior...
Homann, Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Large scale map showing the...
Antique Land Graviatus Alsatiae tam Superioris quam Inferi cum utroque Marchionatu Badensi ut et traclu Herciniae Silvae ac Ditione quatuor Urbium Silvestr editore Ioh. Baptista Homanno Noribergae. Cum Privilegio Sac. Caes. Maj. Land Graviatus Alsatiae tam Superioris quam Inferi cum utroque Marchionatu Badensi ut et traclu Herciniae Silvae ac...
Homann, Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Decorative large map showing...
Antique Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibit, a D.G. de L'Islio Editus Primum, Nunc Emendatior & Auctior Reddit, per Homann. Heredes. Cum Priv. S.C.M. Sectio II. seu Media, quae continet part. Elect. Palat. Duc. Bipont. Alsatiae Infer. Comit. Rhingraf. Duc. Würtemb. March. Badens Cursus Rheni á Basilea usque ad Bonnam III. Sect. Exhibit, a D.G. de L'Islio Editus Primum, Nunc Emendatior...
Homann, Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Large scale map showing the...
Antique Theatrum Belli Rhenani Auspicatis Militiae Primitus Potentissimi Roman. et Hunga Regis Iosephi I. PII Felicis Augusti Landavio Gloriose Expugnato Apertum io. Septemb. Anno MDCCII Nova Tabula repraesentatu á Ioan. Baptista Homan Norimbergae Sac. Caes. Majestas. Theatrum Belli Rhenani Auspicatis Militiae Primitus Potentissimi Roman. et Hunga Regis Iosephi I. PII Felicis Augusti...
Homann, Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. 'War theatre' at the...
Antique S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Inferior sive Electorum Rheni complectens tres Archiepiscopatus, Moguntinum Coloniensem et Trevirensem, Palatinatum Rheni, comit Bedstein Newenaer, Inf. Isenburg et Reiserschen repressentatus á Ioh. Baptista Homanno cum Privilegio (Norimbergae) Saec. Caes. Maj. S.R.I. Circulus Rhenanus Inferior sive Electorum Rheni complectens tres Archiepiscopatus, Moguntinum Coloniensem et...
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. A detailed map of Lower Rhine...
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