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Great Britain

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Antique Exactissima Regni Scotiae Tabula tam in Septentrionalem et Meridionalem quam in minores earumdem Provincias. Infulasq, ei undique praetenfas accurate divisa per Nicolaum Visscher Amst: Aabt: cum Privil: Ordin: Gener: Belgii Faederati. Exactissima Regni Scotiae Tabula tam in Septentrionalem et Meridionalem quam in minores earumdem Provincias....
Visscher, Nicolaus, 1680
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. Decorative antique map of the British Isles showing Scotland....
Antique Hiberniae Regnum tam in praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae, quam in minores earundem Provincias et Ditiones divisum ex prototypo Guil Petty-Vischeriano deductu et exhibitum ... Hiberniae Regnum tam in praecipuas Ultoniae, Connaciae, Laceniae et Momoniae, quam in minores earundem Provincias et...
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. This detailed map is shown Ireland, parts...
Antique Magna Brittania Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae ... Magna Brittania Pars Septentrionalis qua Regnum Scotiae ...
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1730
Original copper engraving, hand colored when published.
Antique Accuratissima Angliae Regni Walliae Principatus Descriptio Distincete divisa in Omnes fuas Provincias et editia per Cornemium Danckerts Amstelidami cum Privilegio Accuratissima Angliae Regni Walliae Principatus Descriptio Distincete divisa in Omnes fuas Provincias et editia per...
Danckert, Cornelius, 1690
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. A very detailed and rare old map of England and Walles with...
Antique Schottland Bergzeichnung v. Hauptm Radefeld. 1848. Schottland Bergzeichnung v. Hauptm Radefeld. 1848.
Radefeld, Hauptmann von, 1848
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline, when published. Small and decorative map of Scotland, showing many place...
Antique Britische Inseln Britische Inseln
Maschek, R., 1885
Original lithograph, hand colored in outline when published. This original old map depicts the British Isles with...
Antique England entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts 1822. England entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts 1822.
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1822
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. An old map of England depicted by the German mapmaker Carl...
Antique Scotland entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, Im Verlage des Geograph: Instituts. 1821 Scotland entworfen und gezeichnet von C. F. Weiland. Weimar, Im Verlage des Geograph: Instituts. 1821
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1821
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. A detailed and interesting map by the German mapmaker Carl...
Antique Grosbritanien und Irland entworfen von C. F. Weiland. Weimar im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts 1822. Grosbritanien und Irland entworfen von C. F. Weiland. Weimar im Verlage des Geograph. Instituts 1822.
Weiland, Carl Ferdinand, 1822
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline when published. A detailed and interesting map by the German mapmaker Carl...
Antique De Custen van Engelant tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard. De Custen van Engelant tusschen de twee pointen van Poortlandt en Lezard.
Theunis, Jacobsz & Lootsman, Jacob and Casparus, 1662
Fascinating detailed seachart of the south-eastern coast of England showing the coastline from Lizard Point over...
Antique Accurater Grundriss u: Gegend der Koenigl: Gross-Brittannischen Haupt und Residentz-Stadt London wie auch Prospecte einiger Koenigl: Pallaeste u: Lust-Schlösser derselbe edirt von Ioh. Baptist Homanns Kayserl. Geographi und Mittgliedes der Koenigl: Preuss: Societaet der Wissenschafften Seelig. Erben in Nürnberg. Accurater Grundriss u: Gegend der Koenigl: Gross-Brittannischen Haupt und Residentz-Stadt London wie auch Prospecte...
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving in full contemporary handcolor in wash and outline when published. A fine antique...
Antique Angliae Regnum tam in septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna quam in omnes Hodiernas Regiones accuratissime distinctum per Nicolm. Visscher Amst: Bat: cum Priv: Ord: Gen: Belgii Foed: Angliae Regnum tam in septem Antiqua Anglo-Saxonum Regna quam in omnes Hodiernas Regiones accuratissime distinctum...
Visscher, Nicolaus, 1680
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. Decorative antique map showing England, Isle of Man and a part of...
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