Maritime & Military
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The Battle of Waterloo.
Original aquatint, hand colored in the period when published. The last battle of Napoleon Bonaparte, defeated by the...
Affaire bey Regensburg am 21. April 1809
Original antike, äußerst seltene Lithographie. Erschienen in,Monumente Österreichs Kriegsgeschichte' Blatt 12. Nach...
Bataille de Mont-Saint-Jean, Dite de Waterloo (le 18 Juin 1815)
Copper engraving, uncolored. Engraved by Bovinet after a drawing by Couché. The last battle of Napoleon Bonaparte,...
Capitulation de la Ville d´Ulm
Original Lithopgraph. Engraved by Charles Motte after a painting by Martinet. Published in A.V. Arnault's 'Vie...
Schlacht bei Ulm ( 18 Okt. 1805 )
Original Aquatina. Napoleon erhält bei der Kapitulation von Ulm den Degen des Generals Mack. Schlacht bei Ulm ist die...
Bataille D´Ekmuhl.
Original copper engraving, hand colored. The village of Eggmühl, which was occupied by troops of the IVth Austrian...
Bataille de Abensberg 1809
Copper engraving, uncolored. Engraved by Bovinet after a drawing by Swebach. Depicted is the battle field near...
Bataille de Ratisbonne, Livrée le 23 Avril 1809.
Original Kupferstich, nach einer Zeichnung von Jean-Alphonse Roehn, erschienen in Carle Vernet "Campagnes...
Mort de Napoleon-Le-Grand.
Original antique wood cut, hand colored. The former French Emperor died on Saturday, May 5, 1821, after five and a...
Waterloo - Conveying the French Cannon from the Field of Battle on the 24th July 1815
Original aquatint, hand colored in the period when published. Original aquatint published in the volume 'An...
Bataille De Ratisbonne, Livrée Le 23 Avril 1809
Original Kupferstich um 1810-30 gedruckt u. verlegt in Paris bei Jean, rue St. Jean de Beauvaise. Gestochen von...
Original antiker Kupferstich in zeitgenössischem Kolorit, erschienen in der Physica Sacra 1732. Kupferstich aus der...
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