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Lithograph, original hand colored in outline and wash. This antique map shows the state of Vermont in the United...
Bergsystem von Nord-America 1848. Nach den neuesten Forschungen entw. u. gez. v. Hauptm. C. Radefeld.
Original steel engraving, handcolored in outline, when published. Detailed fine map of North-America s mountain...
Johnson's New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Prince Edward P. by Johnson and Ward.
Lithograph, original colored in outline and wash. This beautiful decorative antique map shows the Island...
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. This beautiful decorative antique map shows the Island...
Carte Particuliere de la Còte du Nord-Quest de L Amerique reconnue par les Fregates Francaifes la Boussole et L...
Copper engraving, uncolored as published.
United States Sheet II. Eastern States
Lithograph, original hand colored in outline and wash. Large double page hand colored antique map, showing decorative...
die Völcker Huron genant. - Hurons
Copper engraving published in Allain M. Mallet's description of the world 'Description De L' Univers,...
die Völcker Huron genant. - Hurons
Copper engraving, hand colored in wash and outline. The decorative print is showing native Indians (the Huron tribe)...
La Plata, Chili and the Banda Orientale.
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. This fine small engraved old map shows La Plata,...
Der Isthmus von San Blas nach einer handschriftlichen Karte von Dr. Moritz Wagner, mit Benutzung anderer Quellen von...
Lithograph, original hand color in outline.
Geologische Karte eines Teiles von Süd-West-Haiti. Aufgenommen u. gezeichnet von L. Gentil Tippenhauer, (Ingenieur.)...
Lithograph, original color in outline and wash.
Geologische Karte der Gegend zwischen Cros Morne und Borcne und Umgebung. (Insel Haiti.) Gezeichnet von L. Gentil...
Lithograph, original color in outline and wash.
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