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Original antique engraving. Bird's-eye view of the Battle of Doesburg in the Netherlands in 1672. Detailed engraving...
Transisalania Provincia; Vulgo Over-Yssel. Auctor. N. ten-Have. Sch. Zwol. Conrect. edita vero per Nicolaum Visscher
Coper engraving, hand colored and wash when published A detailed map of the central Dutch region of Overijssel...
An Accurate Map of the Netherlands Drawn from the Sieur Robert, with Improvements.
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Original antique map of the Netherlands, published in,the Geographical...
A New and Accurate Map of the Netherlands from the Sieur Roberts Atlas with Improvements.
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Engraved by J. Gibson Original antique map showing the north-western...
Brabantiae Ducatus Cum Adjacentibus Provinciis per Nicolaum Visscher Amst: Bat: cum Privil: Ord: Gneral: Belgii...
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in wash and outline when published. Detailed map of the duchy of...
Lithograph, original hand colored in outline. Decorative double page hand colored lithograph antique map, showing...
Original copper engraving, uncolored when published. Magnificent large panoramic view by Gerrit van Schagen of the...
Duynkercke. - Grevelinge. - Borborch.
Original copper engraving, hand colored in wash, published 1578 in the townbook 'Civitates Orbis Terrarum' by Braun...
a. De Texel Stroom en de Gaten van Marsdiep. Inset (c. 24 x 12cm) : Caarte vande Rede en Haven van Medenblick hoemen...
Two sea-charts on one doublepage. The left one is showing Medenblick, Texel and Wieringen. Additional there is a...
Tabula Comitatus Frisiae Auctore B: Schotano á Sterringa in Lucem edita a Frederico de Wit Amstelodami.
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash.
Tabulae Domini Groenigiae Quaeet et Complectitur Maximam Partem Drentiae Emendata a F. de Wit.
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash.
Ducatus Geldriae, et Comitatus Zutphaniae, Tabula Auctore F. de Wit
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash.
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