Antiquariat Reinhold Berg eK
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Antique Gouvernement General D' Orleans, Suivant les derniers Estats Generaux; et qui Comprend Le Maine, Le Perche, La Beauche, et Le Gastionois... Par N. Sanson d'Abbeville Geogr. du Roy. Chez l' Auteur... 1651. Gouvernement General D' Orleans, Suivant les derniers Estats Generaux; et qui Comprend Le Maine, Le Perche, La...
Sanson, Nicolas d'Abbeville, 1651
Original antique copper engraivng, handcolored in outline, when published. Detailed map of the famous french...
Antique Nouveau Paris Monumental Itinéraure Pratique de L´Ètranger dans Paris Nouveau Paris Monumental Itinéraure Pratique de L´Ètranger dans Paris
Poulmaire, L., 1900
Original antique Lithograph in color. A very decorative map of Paris showing its monuments and important sights. On...
Antique Tabula Delphinatus vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphinè in svos Ballifiatus et Regiones divisus per Sr. Tillemon, excudente Io. Baptista Homanno Norimbergae. Tabula Delphinatus vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphinè in svos Ballifiatus et Regiones divisus per Sr....
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Johann Baptist Homann (20 March...
Antique Tabula Delphinatus vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphinè in svos Ballifiatus et Regiones divisus per Sr. Tillemon, excudente Io. Baptista Homanno Norimbergae. Tabula Delphinatus vulgo le Gouvernement General du Dauphinè in svos Ballifiatus et Regiones divisus per Sr....
Homann, Johann Baptist, 1720
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Johann Baptist Homann (20 March...
Antique Novissima totius Aureliani Generalitatis Exhibitio : In suas XII Electiones Stereographico more divisa ; accuratissime designata, juxtaque limites determinata a J.A.B. Rizzi Zannoni Patavino... Novissima totius Aureliani Generalitatis Exhibitio : In suas XII Electiones Stereographico more divisa ;...
Homann, Johann Baptist Erben, 1762
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Johann Baptist Homann (20 March...
Antique Abriss der Dreyen gegeneinander Correspondierenden Vestungen Monaco, Capo di Sant Spirito und Niza di Provenza. Abriss der Dreyen gegeneinander Correspondierenden Vestungen Monaco, Capo di Sant Spirito und Niza di Provenza.
Bodenehr, Gabriel, 1704
Copper engraving, uncolored as published. Detailed fine antique map by Gabriel Bodenehr depicting Nice in Provence...
Antique Civitates Avenionis Omnimq viarum et aedificiorum eius perfecta delineatio Civitates Avenionis Omnimq viarum et aedificiorum eius perfecta delineatio
Merian, Matthaeus, 1638
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Published in Matthaeus Merian's „Topographia Galliae". This is an...
Antique Corsica Corsica
Mercator, Gerard, 1629
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Gerardus Mercator (5 March 1512 – 2 December 1594) was a Flemish...
Antique Gallia Vetus Ad Iulij Caesaris commentaria / J. van den Ende fec. Gallia Vetus Ad Iulij Caesaris commentaria / J. van den Ende fec.
Janssonius, Joan., 1649
Original antique copper engraving, decorative hand colored in outline and wash. Published in a Latin text edition of...
Antique Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio. Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio.
Ortelius, Abraham, 1579
Copper engraving, uncolored as published. Dekorative Kupferstichkarte des Straßburger Gebiets nach der Zeichnung von...
Antique Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio. Argentoratensis Agri Descriptio.
Ortelius, Abraham, 1584
Original Kupferstichkarte, unkoloriert. Dekorative Kupferstichkarte des Straßburger Gebiets nach der Zeichnung von...
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