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Carte du Chili Méridional, du Rio de la Plata, des Patogons, et du Détroit de Magellan, Ce qui fait l`estremité...
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline. The map first appeared in Santini's Atlas Universel in 1776-79 in Paris....
Vereinigte Staaten in Nord America nach den besten Hülfsmittel verfast, Wien bey T. Mollo.
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash, when published. Detailed map of the United...
Charte Von West-Indien Nach den besten Hülfsmitteln verfast.
Copper engraving in contemporary original color in outline. Unusual map of the West Indies published by the Austrian...
Hispaniola Soo als het door Kolumbus Ontdekt, en by de Kastilianen bevolkt is.
Original copper-engraving, uncoloured as published. A beautiful fine engraved map of Hispaniola (Haiti or the...
Carolina By Hermann Moll Geographer Note that y Plantations are marked thus II. A Map of y Island of Bermudos....
Copper engraving, uncolored as published. The Geographer Hermann Moll worked came originally from the Netherlands and...
British Guayana
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. A decorative antique map of British Guayana with many details. We...
Chili and La Plata
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. The fine engraved map is showing Chili and La Plata with many...
Central America
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. The fine engraved map is showing Central America with many details...
Florida. Nach den besten Quellen bearbeitet 1850.
Steel engraving, hand colored in outline when published.
Nördliches Venezuela von W. Sievers. III Verteilung der Vegetationsformationen.
Lithograph, original color in outline when published. Interesting map of the spread of the vegetation zones in...
die Stadt St. Salvador - St. SALVADOR
Copper engraving published in Allain M. Mallet's description of the world 'Description De L' Univers,...
Carte Particuliere de L´Amerique septentrionale, ou font Compris le Destroit de Davids le des Troit de Hudson,...
Copper engraving, hand colored. This map was published ca.1704 in Pierre Mortier's famous sea-atlas 'Le...
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