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Italia Gallica sive Gallia Cisalpina ex conatibus Geographicis Abrah. Ortelij. Petrus Kaerius Caelavit.
Original antique copper engraving, decorative hand colored in outline. The map is ornated with the title cartouche...
Nullus in orbe locus Baiis praelucet amoenis
Original antique copper engraving, uncolored. Fascinating view depicting Pozzuoli and the Gulf of Baia, with Ischia...
Thusciae. Descriptio auctore Hieronymo Bellamarto
Original copper engraving, published 1573 in a Latin edition of the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". The map is ornated...
Cajazzo - Calatia Vulgo Caiazo, perantiquum Campaniae Foeticis oppidum
Original antique copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. Decorative city map of Caiazzo....
Iconografica Rappresentatione della Inclita Citta di Venetia Con tuti i Canali, Ry, Chaese, Ponti, Isolette,Division...
Original copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash when published. A magnificent, large-scale bird's eye...
Antiquae urbis Romae - old colored
Original antique copper engraving in beautiful old color. Printed and published in "Civitates Orbis Terrarum"...
Beschreibung der herzlichen und weitberhümpten Statt Mirandula.
Decorative woodcut map, published in a German text edition of the ,Cosmographia' by Sebastian Münster 1578. A fine...
Latium. Ex Conatibus Geographicis Abrah. Ortelij Antverp.
Original antique copper engraving, published 1612 in the famous historical Atlas "Parergon" (Latin...
Pas-Caart van de Zee kusten van `t Eyland Sardinia Met de tegen over geleegene Zee kusten van Barbaria, Tußchen C....
Original copper engraving, finely later hand colored in ouline and wash. Remarkable the highly decorated handcolored...
Mappa Geographica totius Insulae et Regni Siciliae cur graphio et impensis Matth. Seutteri, S.C.M.G. August.
Original copper engraving hand colored in outline and wash when published. This beautiful old colored map depicts the...
Gray's New Map of Italy
Original antique hand colored lithograph. Detailed map, colored by counties and showing townships, towns, villages,...
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